Announcements & Events

Explosion 2023


We are excited to announce that UNIMA CCAPSO Evangelism is hosting Explosion 2023 from Friday, April 21st to Sunday, April 23rd at the Great Hall, UNIMA. The theme for this year's event is "Living a Crucified Life".

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Zomba CCAP Holy Week Time Table

Your are invited to join us for Holy Week services at our church. Experience the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus through song, prayer and reflection.

Prayers from Monday to Thursday will start at 5:00pm to 6:00pm

  • Sunday, 2nd April 2023 08:00-11:00
    The Significance of Palm Sunday-Rev. C. Masambuka
  • Monday, 3rd April 2023
    How Does the Cross Show Love?-Ord. D. Mbewe
  • Tuesday, 4th April 2023
    Hope in the Cross of Christ-Ord. C. Gondwe
  • Wednesday, 5th April 2023
    The Cross as an Instrument of Peace-Rev. Dr. T. Chitsulo
  • Read more

Zomba CCAP Hands Over Relief Items To Presbytery

Alick Kadango Bwanali – Zomba CCAP Media Team

Zomba Congregation of the CCAP on Sunday, 2nd April, 2023 handed over assorted relief items to the Zomba City Presbytery at a brief function that took place at the Presbytery’s premises. The relief items will be distributed to people that have been affected by cyclone Freddy within Zomba district.

Speaking after receiving the donations, the Presbytery Clerk, Reverend Enos Mohiwa thanked the Moderator of Zomba CCAP and the entire congregation for the donation. “As a Presbytery, we are very thankful to

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About Us

Zomba CCAP congregation, located in Zomba City, the old capital of Malawi, was established in 1898, and currently boasts 1,638 Christians, of which 115 are church elders and 103 church deacons. It has vibrant women and youth ministries, and a management team that co-ordinates the work of eleven committees, among which are the partnership, evangelism and intercessory, and music committee, as well as faith and works committee... Read more

Announcements & Events

Explosion 2023 Posted: 13 Apr, 2023
Zomba CCAP Holy Week Time Table Posted: 3 Apr, 2023


Zomba C.C.A.P.
Chimbiya Road
P.O. Box 355, Zomba
+265 995 089 475
